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Buyers’ Forum-All You Need to Know of the Hand-Tied Hair Extensions

Consider the use of hair extensions as your answer to the quest for a way to add confidence and have your hair volume and length transformed as much. If anything, they are what have been used for years on end by many when it comes to such needs. But this be as it is, the modern times have actually seen a coming into the scene of yet another solution to these needs and this is in the hand-tied hair extensions. Hair extensions lovers have somewhat mad a shift from the use of the hair extensions to the use of the hand-tied extensions and as a matter of fact, they have proved to be so good, giving such a natural look. One other fact that has made the use of the hand-tied hair extensions a method that so appeals to so many hair lovers is the fact that it is one of the weft installation methods that doesn’t result in as many damages.

For this reason, we can confidently report that now there is a solution for you who is looking for a hair extension solution that will not cause as much havoc to your hair and this is in the hand-tied hair extensions. Just as we have mentioned already above, there has been a rapid growth in the popularity of the use of the hand-tied hair extensions and you may be contemplating them for you. Read on in this post and see more of the basics that you need to know of when it comes to the hand-tied process.

First and foremost, you need to note the fact that there is similarity between the two techniques, here talking of the hand-tied hair extensions and the beaded wefts methods. But the one thing that sets the two apart is the fact that the hand-tied hair extensions cover more surface area of the head. With it, you are going to see your natural hair used to create the rows where the wefts will then be sewn onto.

Still from what we have mentioned above, when you opt to go for the hand-tied hair extensions technique, you can be well assured of a technique that achieves you such a natural look at the end of the day. This is more so considering the key attributes of the hand-tied wefts, talking of how thinner, larger and lighter they happen to be as compared to the typical wefts which essentially enables them to lay flatter on the head for such an ordinary look.
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