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Great Tips for Maintaining Healthy Employees.

There are so many advantages that come with healthy employees. Healthy employees are happy employees, they are more productive as they are rarely absent, just to mention some of the advantages. Keeping your employees healthy is something that you can play a part of as an employer, and it doesn’t have to be time and resources consuming.

A good health starts with healthy eating, and encouraging healthier eating is a good place to start as any other. You can encourage them to bring healthy lunch from home by providing some kitchen area or microwave and fridge. If there are break rooms with snacks, fruits and healthy snacks is one of the ways that you can encourage healthy choices. While you are at it, make sure that you provide incentives like extra money, prizes and vacation days for healthy habits.

A smoke free workplace will reduce the secondhand smoking. This will also potentially motivate the employees that smoke to quit and this can also be pushed forward by providing smoking cessation programs and aids. You will be lowering the insurance cost because the risk of fire and property damage will be reduced, increase productivity, lower absenteeism and medical expenses. Make it easy for the employees to get flu shots by having local providers come to your business at a convenient time and some health fairs to keep track of their health.

Encourage exercise movement is also a great ways that you can keep them healthy. The other way is by reducing their sitting time. There are a number of ways that you can achieve this, and they include standing desks, cycle chairs and encouraging lunch away from the desk or computer and introducing the employee stretching programs.

They need to have a flexible schedule that allows them to work-life balance, which will help both their mental and physical health. Many people tend to ignore the mental health, which is as important as the physical one. You can reduce the risks of the other employees getting sick by letting the sick one call in sick and stay at home until they are well, as this will help the heal faster. Make sure that there are some plants in the work place, as this will improve the health and more importantly, increase the productivity as study shows that employees that can see a plant from their desks are usually more productive and click here for more. The more you encourage and make sure that the employees are adapting some healthy life style, the more productive they will be and more happy a team you will be having and view here for more.